About Us

As a single mom of three boys, couponing has become a way of life for me. Back in the early 90’s I was a faithful Albertsons shopper, even during the days I was married to someone in the Navy I chose Albertsons over the Commissary.  As years went by and Super Wal-Mart came out I was shopping less at Albertsons, that was until recently when I really got into couponing and found out how to save money at Albertsons.  Though Albertsons may not always have the lower price on items if you know how to watch their deals and use coupons you can save more money shopping there. Plus Albertsons associates are much more coupon friendly than any store I have shopped at.

Why bother with price matching when you can get the deal at the original store. Plus no headaches of explaining to the cashier their store policy, Albertsons makes sure their associates know their policy and they are more than willing to help you learn it. Albertsons makes couponing an enjoyable experience at their stores.

I have been asked by friends to teach them how I do it. Unfortunately most of my friends do not live close by.  I have started this site as a way to teach them as well as anyone else who wants to learn how to save money at Albertsons.

I am not an Albertsons employee and to my knowledge I am not related to anyone who is. This site is not sponsored by Albertsons.  On a couple of pages I have copied directly from their site to make sure I am not misleading anyone on an Albertsons policy.

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